Here lie images of my Warriors of Chaos army (mixed with other chaotic entities)
The Cygor "CY-GOR"
Not a Warriors of Chaos unit necessarily, but he is allied in (even though beast men have always been a favored force of chaos). My interpretation of a Cygor is the ripping and tearing: "CY-GOR"! A biomechanical minotaur that has burst forth from a strange portal! Originally a run of the mill minotaur, he was cast out of this realm with sorcery by a Tzeentch-aligned wizard. Reappearing in a strange all-black pyramid structure amongst the stars he was captured and experimented on. After escaping through a portal, he has arrived back in the Old World, ready to find and slay the wizard who originally cast him out!The Forsaken "The Lost and the Damned"
My units of forsaken consists of only 9 models, but count as 12 models as the champion of the unit is on a filler taking up 4 spots. Six of the models in this unit are from the amazing "Knightmare Miniatures", the exceptions are for our little frog-warlock friend 'Dick Stranger', he's a Reaper model, and our two little buff were-boys, the war-paint-wearing banner bearer and the tough guy shoving a shrub in the front row. I haven't the slightest idea where they are from, but I love them all the same.
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